Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Pictures

First Haircut

Family Pictures

Temple Square

Watching TV

Daddy got him while baking Christmas cookies!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First Haircut and Christmas Lights

It has been a busy December and I have not had time to keep the blog up to date.

Last week Kyle and I decided that Jackson was starting to look like a hippie and desperately needed a haircut. One night after work we had haircut night. I gave Jackson his first haircut and it made him look so different. Do not worry though because the darling curls are still there. Kyle also was looking a little shaggy, so I gave him one next. Both of my boys now look clean and sharp with their new haircuts. I will post a picture of Jackson's new hair when I am at home and have access to my pics.

Last Saturday we all went to Temple Square to look at the lights. There were a ton of people so we did not get to see the manger and had to move kind of quickly through. The lights were still very pretty. There was one big pine tree that had red lights wrapped around every little branch that was gorgeous. I will get that picture posted also. Jackson was loving life in his carrier with dad.

Yesterday we went with my parents and their friends to go see the Zoo Lights. We met the man who put them all up and he is extremely talented. There were a bunch of the moving lights where the animals jump from one place to the next or do other things. I loved it! It was so much fun and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for something fun to do.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

4 Month Stats

Height: 26 inches
Weight: 15 pounds
New skills:
Rolling over both ways
Seeing things
Favorite hobbies:
Putting EVERYTHING in his mouth
Watching TV (I really am not kidding)
Looking at Christmas lights and big snowmen
New things:
Now eating rice cereal
Recognizes people
Gets shy around people he does not know
Prefers his mom and dad
I love this whole mom thing! Especially watching him grow and develop.

Eating daddy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I have been spoiled the past few weeks. I recently got new windows and yesterday Kyle replaced our gross sliding glass door in our living room. He put french doors in its place. They are awesome; they have the blinds in the middle and they look great. It also has made our downstairs warmer. We do still need to put molidng up. In a couple of weeks I get a new sliding door in my dining room also. Here is a picture of my new doors.

I also got a new shelf above my fireplace. It has always bugged me because there is not mantle, but I like the way this looks. My husband is awesome!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blessing Pictures and Other Randoms

I know Jackson's blessing was a couple of weeks ago, but we just barely got some pictures of him in his outfit.

Our little boy now rolls from his stomach to his back, giggles, babbles a lot and is always moving! I just wanted to share some of the cute picture I have gotten this week.

Cool dude!

Always a happy baby after his bath.

My favorite little guy!

He loves playing with his toys (well, trying to eat them).

So cute in his new church clothes.

It is hard to see, but he has a little tie.

Monday, November 9, 2009


We finally finished the baby's nursery. I know he is almost four months old, but it would not be like me to finish something on time. I loved making the curtains and crib skirt. He still is sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom though because he is still naughty during the night.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mommy's Little Turtle

My mom made Jackson the cutest little turtle costume for Halloween this year. The pictures do not do it justice; he was the cutest little thing ever!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Good Old Days

I was looking through my old pictures on my mom's computer and I found some fun pictures.

This one made me laugh. It is when Haylie and I went to an 80's dance at Utah State our second year. We had a blast!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

All Smiles

We had a little photo session this morning and got some cute, big smiles out of Jackson!

I also got a few cute ones of him playing on his new little mat.

Our Trip to the Zoo

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Birthday Song

I was going through my old emails and I came across this link:
You can see the #1 song the day you were born. Mine was one of the best songss ever, With or Without You by U2. It is kind of fun!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleeping Baby and Bumbo

I just wanted to share these cute pictures of my chubby boy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jackson's Best Friend

Jackson loves his grandpa! I want to thank my dad. Yesterday Jackson did not feel very well, so he was really fussy. He would not stop screaming so we went to the shop to get some help from grandpa. Once my dad picked him up and cuddled him he calmed right down and went to sleep. This was not the first occasion that he has been the only one able to calm him down. I also want to thank him and my mom for coming over last night and watching Jackson and helping me clean the house. I really appreciate all that they do!


This last weekend we went camping with my parents, Katie and Dale, and Shane and Julee to Palisade in Sanpete. We had a lot of fun; we went 4-wheeling, shooting, and we at a lot of really good food! We were going to go golfing, but there was not enough time on Saturday. It was nice to have a weekend of fun and have my parents there to watch Jackson so I could join in on it. I was really bad at the picture taking thing again this weekend so I only got pictures of our shooting adventure.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting So Big

Jackson is getting so big! He's not a newborn anymore. He is starting to hold his own head up for a little bit. It is still wobbly, but he can hold it up. I am able to put him in his Bumbo and he can sit for a minute by himself.

He gets tired and has to rest his head.