Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kyle's Party

Kyle is going to turn 25 tomorrow and that being a big year we decided to have a birthday party for him yesterday. It was a lot of fun! A lot of our friends and family came. We had a BBQ and just hung out. It was great seeing everyone and all of the babies. I want to thank everyone for coming. It meant a lot to us. Also thanks to my parents for letting us have it at their house. Like always I forgot to take pictures. Sorry there are no pictures!


Chris said...

And I missed it... Stupid school! I am glad that it was fun and I'd just like to say. Happy Birthday Angus!

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

We had a blast! We wished you could have stayed longer. And one of my favorite things about being pregnant was feeling the baby move. It gets so much funner when you can actually see them moving!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kyle